Good morning Hawes Ward-
The Joy of Redeeming the Dead
"Have you prayed about your own ancestors’ work? Set aside those things in your life that don’t really matter. Decide to do something that will have eternal consequences. Perhaps you have been prompted to look for ancestors but feel you are not a genealogist. Can you see that you don’t have to be anymore? It all begins with love and a sincere desire to help those beyond the veil who can’t help themselves. Check around. There will be someone in your area who can help you have success."
—Richard G. Scott,

12-13 Year old Review
On Sunday we discussed the topic, "what can I learn from living prophets and apostles?"
We talked about ancient prophets and things they had taught us. We then discussed some of the challenges that the class members face today. We considered that our challenges are a concern to our modern day prophets, and that if we listen to and study their words we can find guidance, counsel and comfort to help us in our trials. The youth then had the opportunity to search for counsel from modern day prophets and apostles using conferences of the Ensign.
They were challenged to continue to seek for guidance and help by studying the words of our modern day prophets by reading the Ensign and/or New Era.
12-13 year old preview
What can I learn from President Monson about following the Spirit?
President Thomas S. Monson has said: “Not a day has gone by that I have not communicated with my Father in Heaven through prayer. It is a relationship I cherish—one I would literally be lost without. If you do not now have such a relationship with your Father in Heaven, I urge you to work toward that goal. As you do so, you will be entitled to His inspiration and guidance in your life—necessities for each of us if we are to survive spiritually during our sojourn here on earth. Such inspiration and guidance are gifts He freely gives if we but seek them. What treasures they are! I am always humbled and grateful when my Heavenly Father communicates with me through His inspiration. I have learned to recognize it, to trust it, and to follow it”
How has following the promptings of the Holy Ghost blessed your life?
How have you been inspired by President Monson’s example in this regard?
15-16 Year old Preview
What does it mean to bear testimony?
We will discuss what a testimony is and what influence it can have on others.
I also want them to share any experiences of someone they have heard bear testimony and they felt the spirit confirm what they are saying to be true. We will also try to remember key moments from the scriptures when prophets bore their testimony and the people responded both positively and negatively.
I will challenge them to find a time to bear their testimony during FHE or the next fast and testimony meeting, in class or even with friends.
16-18 year old review
Outline: What can I learn from living Prophets and Apostles?
We discussed the roles of living Prophets and Apostles and examples of how they are filling these roles. We also discussed reasons why it is so significant and important to us to have Prophets and Apostles in our day.
The challenge was extended for class members to choose and read a conference talk and look specifically for teachings that can help them in their circumstances as well as pay close attention to their testimony of the Savior as a Special Witness of Him.
16-18 year old preview
What can I learn from President Monson about following the spirit.
Several members of our class were given different stories about President Monson that they will study during the week and come to class ready to tell the story and share any experiences that they have had as they tried to follow the Spirit.
Gospel Doctrine Review
Lesson 18- "Establish... a House of God"
Purpose: To help class members understand the significance of temples and encourage them to seek the blessings of the temple in their own lives.
Class Challenge:
Attend the Temple sometime this week. Ponder of the significance of it being on the Earth today. Ponder on the blessings it has given you and how you model your lives and home after it. What are the blessings of the Temple? How do you apply them in your lives and home?
Missionary Challenge:
· Invite someone to go to the Mesa Temple Visitor center or to visit the Gilbert Temple.
· Tell someone what the temple means to you.
Gospel Doctrine Preview
Lesson 19:
• Read Moses 4:2, D&C 19:16–19, and 76:40–42. Why is the Atonement central to the plan of salvation?
The plan of salvation can be divided into three parts: premortal life, mortal life, and life after death.
What are some of the challenges you have faced during mortal life? How does knowing that there is life after death help you cope with these challenges?
Scripture Chain: The Plan of Salvation
Premortal life
Mortal life
Life after death
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