"[God] lives, and He communicates with His children. This is the Church of Jesus Christ, and He leads it. No assignment in it need ever overwhelm you if you know that and listen for the Master's voice."
—Henry B. Eyring, "Hear the Voice of God"
May Come Follow Me Videos
"Prophets and Revelation"

16-18 Year Old Preview
Outline: How does reverence help me receive revelation?
We will discuss what reverence and revelation mean to class members and how they relate to each other as well as what the scriptures teach about them. Class members will be asked to talk about what role revelation can or should play in their lives and why it is important to them. We will also discuss their experiences and ideas regarding how they have or how they can increase a spirit of reverence in their lives.
Gospel Doctrine Preview
Lesson 16 "Thou Shalt Offer Up My Sacraments upon My Holy Day"
Class Guide Link
Gospel Doctrine Preview
Lesson 16 "Thou Shalt Offer Up My Sacraments upon My Holy Day"
Class Guide Link
Purpose: To help class members strengthen their desire to keep the Sabbath day holy.
Class Challenge: This week think about ways that you are able to keep the focus of the Sabbath day. Think of some areas that you would like to improve and be prepared to share with the class.
Missionary Challenge: Think of someone in your neighborhood, at work, or someone that you know that you could share what you do on the Sabbath day.
Invite them to share in your Sabbath day experience as you feel prompted :)
Invite them to share in your Sabbath day experience as you feel prompted :)