Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Seek Ye The Best Gifts"

Quote of the week

"With great love and admiration for the many disciples of Jesus Christ who are not members of this Church, we humbly declare that angels have returned to the earth in our day. The Church of Jesus Christ as He established it anciently has been restored, with the power, ordinances, and blessings of heaven. The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ."

—Neil L. Andersen, "What Thinks Christ of Me?"

Random Fact:  20 years ago today Apr 25, 1993, President Hinckley dedicated the San Diego Temple.


12 and 13 Year Old Class

We discussed how we can recognize the difference between truth and
error, especially now when much of the world has wavering values and
views on what is acceptable or true. We discussed that truth and error
can be recognized by studying the scriptures, praying, and being
attentive to the influence of the Holy Ghost. We watched a video about
Wilford Woodruff and his search to find gospel truths and Christ's
true church. We discussed that there are still many people searching
for truth like Pres. woodruff was, and that we can help lead them to
the truth.
The youth were invited to remember the principles we
discussed throughout their lives and as they are faced with situations
when it might be difficult to recognize the truth.

" How can I liken the events of the Apostasy and the Restoration to my Life"

To liken the scriptures means to see how scriptural events and circumstances are like the events and circumstances in our lives. Even though the events of the Apostasy and the Restoration occurred long ago, we can find ways to learn from these events and relate them to us today.

15 – 16 year old class

The past two weeks have been focused on understanding the apostasy and the causes of how active members can slip into personal apostasy.  These are never big life changes, but subtle and coerced decisions to place distance between yourself and the Lord.  

We shared two stories to stand as examples.  The first is from the story of "The Smile Behind the Devil's Eyes."  In this story an FBI officer is investigating a drug house and sees the evidence needed upon entry.  His guard is down as he goes past the first occupant because of the smiling face.  He turns in time to disarm this first man and save both his life and his partner.  Upon reflection, he realized he had been tricked into a calm because he wasn't met with a direct challenge.  Satan will use these tricks to make his presence in our life greater.

The second story was about snakes attacking birds and the family realizing that what they had done to prepare while adequate for most known dangers at their home, were not enough to fully protect them and their property.  Satan will come to our homes to try and make his way in little by little.  We must be prepared for those big challenges and careful of the more subtle risks we face.  

We discussed the dangers of peer pressure and the ways things we know are wrong become packaged into a more attractive package that we will be tempted with.  Class members likened their challenges to those from the story.  We not only need to control our outer self but be cautious of who is let in to our inner circles.

Personal apostasy comes in a variety of forms.  We know this generation is truly challenged to a level we have never seen and cannot fully comprehend.  It is our role to help them prepare for the day when they are faced directly with the challenge to choose the right.

This week for the 14-15 year olds we will be learning about "Why is it important to teach pure doctrine?"  

We will cover why it is important to teach doctrine that we know and feel in our hearts through the spirit to be true.  It was prophesied that there will be false teachings by false prophets.  We must learn and teach with the spirit and with the scriptures.  

Re-memorize an article of faith.  This will help us remember the truths of the gospel and what we believe in.

16-18 year old class

Outline: "What does Joseph Smith's example teach me about learning the Gospel?"

We discussed experiences of the Prophet Joseph Smith, especially relating to the First Vision, and class members shared related personal experiences.  We also discussed what his example teaches us about how to learn truth (especially gospel truths) and how his experiences apply to them in their life.  

The invitation/challenge was extended to take some time after church to remember and think about experiences experiences when they have wanted to know or feel something like Joseph Smith did and their experiences with having their prayers answered.  Class members were also challenged to apply something they've learned from Joseph Smith's  example of studying and learning truth in their scripture study this week.

Lesson preview:  How can I liken the events of the apostasy and restoration to my life?

We will compare the great apostasy to a personal apostasy, and we will discuss the importance of likening the scriptures to our own lives.

Gospel Doctrine

Lesson 14 "The Law of Consecration"

We talked a lot this week about the purposes of the law of consecration. We found that dedicating our time, talents and possessions to the work of the Lord isn't as far out of reach as we might of thought. Our everyday actions is a way to live the law of consecration. Accept the callings that are extended to you. Lord knows you and He has asked you to accept the call. 

Challenge: Find ways in which you can more fully live the law of consecration in your home. It is very easy to see how to do it for the ward, but not always what you do in  your home. Look around and see what you are doing well and how you might more fully commit to dedicate your time, talents and all that you posses to the work of the Lord there.

Lesson 15: “Seek Ye Earnestly the Best Gifts”

Gifts of the Spirit are spiritual blessings or abilities that are given through the Holy Ghost. These gifts were taken from the earth during the Great Apostasy, but God restored them in the early days of this dispensation. God gives at least one of these gifts to every faithful member of His Church who has received the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Which spiritual gifts are listed in D&C 46:13–25? What are some purposes of the gifts of the Spirit? (See D&C 46:8–9, 11–12, 26.)

What can you do to seek gifts of the Spirit? (See D&C 46:7, 9, 30–33.)

How can a patriarchal blessing help us in understanding what blessings or gifts the Lord may have given us or may yet give to us?

Scripture Chain: Gifts of the Spirit