Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This Week in Sunday School

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you all for actively participating in Sunday School this past week!  We hope you find our communication useful. If you have anything that would allow these emails to serve you better, please don't hesitate to just click reply and let us know

Quote of the Week

"The onslaught of wickedness against our children is more subtle and brazen than it has ever been. Building a strong family culture adds another layer of protection for our children, insulating them from worldly influences."
L. Tom Perry, "Becoming Goodly Parents", Ensign, November 2012

Our prayer is that as we embrace Come Follow Me it will be one tool to help us build a culture in our home insulated from worldly influences. 

January 20, 2011 Review

12-13 Class Review

We followed up on the challenge from 1/6 and discussed how class members were able to see evidence of God's love in their lives.

They were challenged to continue to do this, as well as to try to say a couple of "thankful" prayers throughout the week, where instead of asking for any blessings they use that prayer specifically in gratitude for all that they've been blessed with. 

We discussed the role of the Holy Ghost as a member of the Godhead. We talked about different ways he communicates with us. Experiences were shared of times when class members had felt the Holy Ghost in their lives. We discussed the importance of having the spirit with us as we learn the gospel, so that we can receive the truth. The kids were given a survey for themselves and one for their parents to help us get to know them a little better, with a promise of a treat for those who return them.

14-15 Class Review

We focused on getting the information about the Godhead as a follow up to our previous lesson.  Our next weeks will focus on the role the Holy Ghost plays in helping with our testimony and getting those outside the church to listen to and have confirmed the truths to themselves.

                We talked about class member's ideas of the how others see the Godhead and used scriptures to get them to see how a person could use the scriptures we avow to confuse or confound the ideas we want to emphasize in making a difference. Two new students joined our class. They were introduced and particpated in the class.  We talked about getting others on our role out to class.

                The idea of a trinity as one or the 3 we see as distincy beings with a different purpose and role.  We looked up scriptures in the BofM that talk about how they are one and how people could use these to challenge our testimony.  We discussed and found ideas of how these are also defended through other stories and accounts of how the roles are described as distinct. Jesus in Gethsemane, Jesus being baptized and the Holy Ghost descending on him, Jesus on the cross, Joseph Smith's First Vision -all as examples that describe them as unique and separate.

                We have been promised a perfect being in the image of our Heavenly Father.  We have a great work ahead of us and we will strive to be our best.

Article- Robert D. Hales   2008 Conference Section  --  Shared view of how we should see the Godhead.
Challenge- Get those not in class to join us

16-18 Class Review
Outline: "How can studying the scriptures help me learn about Heavenly Father?"

     We discussed what we know about Heavenly Father that has been revealed in the scriptures.  We also discussed things that help to make time in scripture study more meaningful and powerful based on experiences and ideas shared by class members.  

     Challenge: put into practice this week something they learned to make their daily scripture study more effective and spiritually uplifting in the coming week and beyond in order to build and strengthen their relationship with their Heavenly Father, making a special effort to enjoy "meaningful time alone with Him" and allow Him to speak to them through the scriptures and through the Spirit.

Gospel Doctrine Review

Lesson 2 - "Behold I Am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World"

The atonement of Jesus Christ:
1. The savior Describes His atoning sacrifice D&C 19:16-19
2. Through the Atonement, we will be resurrected Alma 11:42-43
3. Through the Atonement, we can be forgiven of our sins and inherit Celestial Glory D&C 19:16-17, 20
4. Through the Atonement, the Savior gained perfect empathy for us in all our sorrows pains and afflictions D&C 122 1-8

Challenge was to gain a testimony, establish roots, and rely on the Atonement in all things.

January 27, 2013 Preview

12-13 Preview

-       Continue follow up on D&C What evidence did you see of Gods love? Follow up from lesson 1/6 &1/20
-       Follow up on Sister McDowell's challenge to have at least one prayer of "Thankfulness Prayer" this week
1/27- How does the Holy Ghost help me teach the gospel?

We will discuss times when we have felt the spirit in a talk, lesson, FHE or sacrament service we have attended in the past. We will discuss the ways we can invite the spirit to be with us as we teach as well as how to recognize the signs the spirit is touching the ones we are teaching.  We will challenge each class member to set aside time each day to be taught by the spirit and be prepared to teach something they learned.

14-15 Preview

How can Studying the Scriptures Help me Learn About Heavenly Father. 

I want to quiz them on what they know about God to see their thoughts.

Then go to the Bible dictionary to look up God to see how that matches up with their thoughts.

I want to then tie in some scriptures, not sure which ones so far..

I also want all of this discussion to lead back to how scripture study will help us grow closer to him and how that can help us in our daily activities and with friends.

16-18 Preview
How we can learn to see Heavenly Father’s hand in all things?

I would like them to think of an experience to share about how they have seen Heavenly Father's hand in their life or to share experiences they have had this past week that have strengthened their testimonies of the gospel.

Gospel Doctrine Preview

Lesson 3: “I Had Seen a Vision”

Question to Consider:
When we are striving to accomplish a goal or achieve something we want in life, if an obstacle presents itself, how do we know if it’s a trial or if its something we should no longer pursue?  

Think in terms of Joseph Smith and the first Vision.