—L. Tom Perry, "Obedience to Law Is Liberty"
May “Come Follow Me” Videos
"Prophets and Revelation"

Click to watch: Watchman on the Tower and others
12 year old class review
Sister Spratling subbed the 12-13 class
the topic was how can reverence help me receive revelation.
Most of the class time was spent discussing prayer and revelation. The challenge was extended to ask,
seek, and knock, and ponder how The Lord might be speaking to you based off of Matt 7:7-8
12 year old class preview
What does it mean to bear testimony?
“There is absolutely nothing in this world that will provide more comfort and happiness than a testimony of the truth. … If you feel that you do not yet have the depth of testimony you would wish, I admonish you to work to achieve such a testimony. If it is strong and deep, labor to keep it that way. How blessed we are to have a knowledge of the truth.” - President Thomas S. Monson
14-15 Year Old Class
16-18 Year old review.
Outline: How does reverence help me receive revelation?
We discussed what reverence and revelation mean to class members and how they relate to each other as well as what the scriptures teach about them. We talked about what role revelation can or should play in their lives and why it is important to them. We related the experience of the early Saints in Missouri with the Lord's instruction to "Be still and know that I am God." We also discussed their experiences and ideas regarding how they have or how they can increase a spirit of reverence in their lives.
The Challenge was given for them to take time each day this week to, in some way, "be still" and think about their relationship with their Heavenly Father to cultivate a spirit of reverence and to invite revelation to help them with their challenges.
May Class Schedule
2nd - Sister Hooper: https://www.lds.org/youth/learn/ss/prophets-revelation/scripture?lang=eng
3rd- Brother Wall: https://www.lds.org/youth/learn/ss/prophets-revelation/living?lang=eng
4th- Sister Hooper: https://www.lds.org/youth/learn/ss/prophets-revelation/more?lang=eng
16-18 year old class preview
How can I improve my scripture study?
This weeks lesson we will discuss how we can make our scripture study more meaningful. We will look up different scriptures to talk about, and some ideas about how to mark scriptures, and have a question/answer session using an interview about scripture study from President Eyring.
Gospel Doctrine Review
Lesson 16 " Thou Shalt...Offer Up Thy Sacraments Upon My Holy Day"
What a great class this week. Thank you for sitting in the middle and your participation. Here's a lesson recap.
Principle of the Week: If I attend church, partake of the sacrament, and rest from our labors, then I will receive the Blessings God has Promised.
Those blessings are found in D&C 59:9,13,15-17 Please read and ponder those blessings.
Challenge for the upcoming week: Prepare for our Sabbath worship. Enter the Chapel with reverence and respect. Enter the chapel ready to worship. Reflect on the story President Hinckley shared with respect to an investigating family.
Missionary Challenge: Talk to someone about what you do on the Sunday. Invite those you share with to participate with you.
Gospel Doctrine Preview
Lesson 17: The Law of Tithing and the Law of the Fast
Without prayer, fasting is not complete fasting, it’s simply going hungry. Joseph B. Wirthlin
Reading assignment: Doctrine and Covenants 59:13–14, 21; 119; 120.
· Read D&C 119:3–4. What is the Lord’s definition of tithing? What does the Lord promise those who pay tithing? (See Malachi 3:10–12 or3 Nephi 24:10–12.)
· What are some purposes for fasting? What has the Lord promised to those who obey the law of the fast? (See Isaiah 58:8–12.) In what ways has fasting helped you?
Scripture Chain: Tithing
· Genesis 14:18–20
· Leviticus 27:30
· Malachi 3:8–12
· D&C 64:23
· D&C 119
Scripture Chain: Fasting
· Isaiah 58:5–11
· D&C 59:13–16
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