As the youth finish up their month with the Plan of Salvation we thought it appropriate to post a short video as President Dieter F. Uchtdorf retells the story of the ugly duckling and urges us to reflect on who we really are—sons and daughters of a glorious Heavenly Father. May we all remember the potential the Lord sees in us and see others as the Lord sees them.
(click the ducks to watch the video).

Read the entire address, titled “The Reflection in the Water.”
Sunday-School Lesson Review/Preview
12-13 year old class
We discussed how church music can help us learn about the plan of
salvation, as well as strengthen our testimonies. We had a great
discussion as the youth shared some of their favorite hymns, as how
those hymns help them understand the gospel and build their faith. We
talked about the strong influence of the Holy Ghost as we listen to
good uplifting music. We also briefly discussed the dangers of
inappropriate music. The youth were challenged to sing the hymns
during sacrament meeting, and to think about the words and what they
mean, and if possible, to look up the scriptures listed with the hymn
to gain more understanding of that gospel principal.
How can I help others understand the doctrine of Christ?
The “doctrine of Christ” is that all men everywhere must have faith in Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, be baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. The doctrine of Christ is the only way to be saved in the kingdom of God. It is the foundation of the Church and the central message of its missionaries.
14-15 Year old class
Class members were encouraged to bring in songs they listen to during
their time away from church to see if these songs contain messages
that meet the test of comfort, console or inspire.
Members brought in songs that are part of pop culture and we talked
about the lyrics of each piece. The first song dealt with the
struggles of life and we talked about how that message could transfer
to the gospel. What would class members identify as struggles that
they face or will face as they continue to grow up in the church when
the expectations of the two worlds can be at such sharp contrast. Our
second song had a section about the types of support we could expect
and we discussed how that parallels the role of the Holy Ghost in our
lives. If we have things that are hovering or unresolved these issues
can keep us from progressing or have the type of support from the
message of the song. Members could see that their selection of good
songs can be in multiple areas.
In addition, we looked at hymns that give us a message and which of 3
terms the seemed to address. We looked at premortal, mortal or
afterlife periods and class members found titles and identified the
periods. We also revisited how primary music was intended to build us
up and the messages will stay with us in times of need. Expect that
these songs will stay with us and help to support us when we face
Brother Kerby will finish up February next week in our theme of the
Plan of Salvation.
16-18 year old class
Outline: Why is teaching the gospel important in the Plan of Salvation?
We discussed the role of gospel teaching in the plan on salvation. We also discussed opportunities class members have to teach gospel principles as well as ways we can better teach by the Spirit.
Invitation: Class members were challenged to select a specific gospel principle and plan a teaching opportunity using ideas we discussed to feel and help others feel the Spirit testify of that principle.
What is the role of agency in learning the gospel?
We will find examples in the scriptures of blessings that come from using our agency for good. We will also discuss why we need to learn the gospel for ourselves.
Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 6: “I Will Tell You in Your Mind and in Your Heart, by the Holy Ghost”
Have we received our witness from god? If so, write it down, reflect upon it and allow it to strengthen you.
22 Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might aknow concerning the truth of these things.
23 Did I not speak apeace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater bwitness can you have than from God?
How do you know when the spirit is speaking to you?
· D&C 8:2–3
· D&C 9:8–9
· D&C 42:61
· D&C 128:1
· D&C 136:32–33
Lesson 7: “The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel”
· What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ? How can we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ? (See D&C 19:23; 88:118; Alma 32:27.)
· What is repentance? (See D&C 58:42–43.) Why do we need the Savior’s Atonement to be forgiven of our sins? (See 2 Nephi 2:6–9.)
· What are the purposes of baptism? (See D&C 18:22; 49:13–14.) What qualifications must a person meet to be baptized? (See D&C 20:37.).
· What is the difference between the power of the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost? (See Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost,” 704.) .org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/2.6-9?lang=eng#5">2 Nephi 2:6–9
· What are the purposes of baptism? (See D&C 18:22; 49:13–14.) What qualifications must a person meet to be baptized? (See D&C 20:37.).
· What is the difference between the power of the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost? (See Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost,” 704.)