Wednesday, January 22, 2014

We are back in business with our weekly update. We hope you each get something from them as you and your families prepare for Sunday School
"Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son love all of God’s children no matter what they choose to do or what they become. The Savior paid the price of all sins, no matter how heinous. Even though there must be justice, the opportunity for mercy is extended which will not rob justice."
—Henry B. Eyring, "To My Grandchildren

We encourage each youth and their parents to watch each month's videos on the topics they are studying. This will increase the presence of the spirit in your home and open the door for conversation. 

12-13 Year Old Class

we studied the topic "How can I learn to see Heavenly Fathers
hand in all things?". Class members shared ways they have seen the
Lords hand in their lives, and how they feel Heavenly Fathers love for
them individually. We watched a couple videos that helped us see how
others recognize Heavenly Fathers hand, which will hopefully encourage
us to notice more of the blessings we have in our own lives. We talked
about tender mercies from our Heavenly Father and how special they can

The class members were challenged to spend time each day

reflecting on how they had seen Heavenly Fathers hand that day, and
encouraged to write those things down in a journal or notebook.

12-13 Year Old Class: Prepare for this week

16-18 Year old Class Review
For Sunday 19 Jan. 2014, I used the lesson "How can studying the scriptures help me learn about Heavenly Father."
The scriptures we read as a class include:
2 Nephi 26: 23-33
Mosiah 2:19-25 
Joseph Smith History (up to the first vision)
The class members each has a scripture assignment given to them at the beginning of the block. I was surprised that of all the students, only one had read in Joseph Smith History.

16-18 Year old Class: Prepare for this week

16-18 year olds lesson will be 
   How can I learn to see Heavenly Father’s hand in all things.   We will look for ways others see Heavenly Father’s hand in there life, and then apply that to our own lives.

Gospel Doctrine Preview

Lesson 4: “Because of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened”
Old Testament Class Member Study Guide, (2001), 4

Study the following scriptures:
  1. a. 
Moses 45:10–116:48–49, 55–56. Satan comes to the Garden of Eden and seeks to deceive Eve. Eve and Adam partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (4:5–12). Having fallen, Adam and Eve are cast out of the garden (4:13–31). Adam and Eve later rejoice in the blessings of the Fall (5:10–11). Enoch teaches about the effects of the Fall (6:48–49, 55–56).
  1. b. 
Moses 5:14–156:50–54, 57–62. Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, mortals are saved from physical death through the Resurrectionand may be saved from spiritual death through faith, repentance,baptism, the gift of the Holy Ghost, and obedience to the commandments.
  1. c. 
Moses 5:1–9, 12. Adam and Eve begin life as mortals. They teach their children gospel truths (5:1–4, 12). Adam offers sacrifices in similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten (5:5–9).
What were the results of the Fall for Adam and Eve—and for us? (SeeMoses 4:22–295:10–116:48–49, 55–562 Nephi 2:22–239:6;Genesis 3:16–23.)
When prophets teach about the Fall of Adam and Eve, they often also teach about the Atonement of Jesus Christ (Moses 5:10–156:48–62;2 Nephi 9:6–10). Why is it important to teach the Atonement along with the Fall?
What was the purpose of the sacrifices that Adam offered? (See Moses 5:7–9.) What similar reminders have we been given?
Additional reading: Genesis 2–31 Corinthians 15:20–222 Nephi 2:5–30;9:3–10Helaman 14:15–18Doctrine and Covenants 19:15–1929:34–44;Articles of Faith 1:2; “Fall of Adam,” Bible Dictionary, page 670.


Our stake has now been asked to supply an additional 10 ushers at the shoe coverings due to the volume of visitors already as well as 10 ushers per shift to help out in parking, etc. The Stake's most PRESSING ISSUE is that we have an assignment coming up this Tuesday for Bouldercreek and Eastridge Wards and we are short 30 ushers. The other wards are short as well.
We need help to fill these positions. Our ward also needs 9 more ushers for February 14.  Please email Bishop at keaenos@gmail.comif you can serve as an usher and the date you are available and he will sign you up.  Other possible dates include the list below. You can sign up for those dates and times also by emailing Bishop.
  • Shift #1 - 1/21 7am-11am(Eastridge) - Still Need 15
  • Shift #1 - 1/21 7am-11am (Bouldercreek) - Still Need 15
  • Shift #2 - 2/14 7am-11am (Hawes) - Still Need 9
  • Shift #2 - 2/14 7am-11am(Highland) - Still Need 9
  • Shift #3 - 2/14 10:15am-2:30pm (Highland Groves) - Still Need 9
  • Shift #3 - 2/14 10:15am-2:30pm (Highland Ranch) - Still Need 9
  • Shift #4 - 1:45pm-6:00pm (Meadows) - Still Need 6
  • Shift #4 - 1:45pm-6:00pm (Monterey) - Still Need 6
  • Shift #5 - 2/14 5:15pm-9:30pm (Redfield) - Still Need 11
  • Shift #5 - 2/14 5:15pm-9:30pm (Sossaman) - Still Need 11
Thanks for your help in this effort.

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