Happy Friday
Message for this week:
"Our Heavenly Father loves us. He sent His Only Begotten Son to be our Savior. He knew that in mortality we would be in grave danger, the worst of it from the temptations of a terrible adversary. That is one of the reasons the Savior has provided priesthood keys, so that those with ears to hear and faith to obey could go to places of safety."
—Henry B. Eyring
Come Follow Me April Videos
The Apostasy and the Restoration

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12-13 Year Old Class
12-13 Year Old Review
On 3/31 the 12-13 yr old class had a great discussion on how the
atonement and easter are interconnected. We discussed how the people
of the Book of Mormon learned about the atonement and experienced the
important events of easter. The members of the class teamed up to
teach one another object lessons about the atonement using random
objects such as an Easter egg, a nail, and a bar of soap, and finding
scriptures in the Book of Mormon to help present their lessons to the
The class members were challenged to listen for object lessons
as they listened to general conference and to come to class prepared
to share what that object lesson was, and what principle it was meant
to teach.
12-13 Year Old Preview
Class 12-13 Preview :
How can I explain the Apostasy and the Restoration to others?
Most of us will have the opportunity to share gospel truths with
others. Because the Apostasy and the Restoration are essential
principles of the restored gospel, it is important that we know how to
explain these truths to others. We should testify in a way that
doesn’t sound offensive but expresses the significance of the
Restoration of the gospel.
14-15 Year Old Class
April: The Apostasy and the Restoration
“I have sent forth the fulness of my gospel by the hand of my servant Joseph” (D&C 35:17).
The events of the Apostasy and the Restoration hold important lessons that the youth can apply to their efforts to learn and teach the gospel. Encourage the youth to ask questions about what they are learning, to seek to learn more, and to teach others what they discover.
16-18 Year Old Class
16-18 Year Old Review
Outline: How can the Book of Mormon help me strengthen my faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
We discussed what the Book of Mormon is, it's purpose and why it is so important and sacred to us. We also discussed what we can learn about the Atonement of Jesus Christ from the testimonies and experiences recorded in the Book of Mormon and how they can apply to us. We watched a video portraying Christ's visit to the Americas and discussed how the Book of Mormon and the Atonement help us prepare for His second coming.
The challenge was given to take time to read from the Book of Mormon this week and come to class prepared to discuss a scripture about the Savior that is meaningful to them. The challenge was also given to any who have not yet gained a personal testimony of the Book of Mormon or of Jesus Christ to take the opportunity to read, study and pray to know the truth for themselves.
16-18 Year Old Class
April Lesson Schedule
Sister Hooper : How can I recognize the difference between truth and error https://www.lds.org/youth/learn/ss/apostasy-restoration/difference?lang=eng
Brother Wall: What does Joseph Smith's example teach me about learning the gospel https://www.lds.org/youth/learn/ss/apostasy-restoration/example?lang=eng
16-18 Year Old Lesson Preview:
Our lesson is "How can I recognize the difference between truth and error"
We will discuss what some of the falsehoods the youth have or are dealing with in their lives, and what we can do about them. We will also use the scriptures to help the youth learn the criteria for knowing if something is true or false, and Joseph's Smith's example of how he found truth.
For your challenge:
I feel I've grown closer to the youth by taking time before each class to have them tell us what is going on in their lives and following up with things they tell us. I am hoping to get to their concerts or sporting events, but haven't been able to yet. I bring the class treats on their birthday, and I've tried to occasionally email or text youth or parents if they haven't come in a while to let them know that we missed them.
Gospel Doctrine
Gospel Doctrine Review
Lesson 12: "The Gathering of My People"
The main idea of this lesson is the gathering of Israel. Thanks for participating in gathering together in the middle of the chapel for the lesson. It really does make a difference with conversations and how the lesson can grow and develop!
The Lord is still gathering his people today through the stakes of Zion. We looked on that from a ward perspective.
Take the challenge to look at our homes and see if we are creating a stake of Zion in the walls of our own home. How are we doing that. What can we do to improve?
Gospel Doctrine Preview
Lesson 13: “This Generation Shall Have My Word through You”
Purpose: To help class members appreciate the Prophet Joseph Smith’s role in bringing forth the word of the Lord in this dispensation.
“Few men on earth,” said Elder Bruce R. McConkie, “either in or out of the Church, have caught the vision of what the Book of Mormon is all about. Few are they among men who know the part it has played and will yet play in preparing the way for the coming of Him of whom it is a new witness . . . The Book of Mormon shall so affect men that the whole earth and all its peoples will have been influenced and governed by it. (The Millennial Messiah [Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 19821, pp. 159, 170, 179.)
Try to imagine your life without any contribution or influence from Joseph Smith. How many times every day do you say or think or feel or know something because of his work. Does the Lord know of your gratitude for what his first latter-day prophet has done for you?
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