Salutations Hawes Ward –
We are excited for March in Sunday school, as our youth study study the Atonement of Jesus Christ, while Gosepel Doctrine discusses the restoration of the true and living church and the preparation of the earth for the preaching of the gospel in the last days. May we each commit to prepare by the spirit and take those things from the lesson the spirit speaks to our hearts.
Thought of the week
"We parents need to begin early to prepare our children to have a strong, fervent testimony of the gospel. We must possess the faith, the courage, and the commitment that our pioneer forefathers had if we are to continue building up the kingdom of God on the earth."
—M. Russell Ballard, "Duties, Rewards, and Risks"
Videos for the March Youth Curriculum- The Atonment of Jesus Christ
Video Preview: Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light
"Come Follow Me:" The Atonement of Jesus Christ

Click to watch
Forgiveness and the power of Jesus Christ enable a man to survive losing his wife and several children in a car accident—and allow the offending driver to begin rebuilding his own life.
Class Review and Previews
12-13 year old class
March Lesson Schedule
—M. Russell Ballard, "Duties, Rewards, and Risks"
Videos for the March Youth Curriculum- The Atonment of Jesus Christ
Video Preview: Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light
"Come Follow Me:" The Atonement of Jesus Christ
Click to watch
Forgiveness and the power of Jesus Christ enable a man to survive losing his wife and several children in a car accident—and allow the offending driver to begin rebuilding his own life.
Class Review and Previews
12-13 year old class
March Lesson Schedule
- What can the scriptures teach me about the atonement of Jesus Christ? – Sister McDowell
- How can I use comparisons to teach others about the atonement of Jesus Christ? – Brother Knight
- How can relying on the saviors grace help me become a better teacher? – Sister McDowell
- How can I use the words of living prophets and apostles to strengthen my faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ? –Brother Knight
We started class by reviewing January and February topics and discussing what the class has learned so far this year. We then discussed Sister McDowell’s challenge from last week to sing the Hymns during sacrament to think about the words and what they mean and to look up the scriptures listed with the hymn to gain more understanding of that gospel principle.
We learned what the “Doctrine of Christ” is. That all men everywhere must have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of their sins, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. We discussed how we could help others understand the Doctrine of Christ . Finally we challenged the class to find a non member friend to share the gospel with and invite them to the Easter Pageant.
What can the scriptures teach me about the atonement of Jesus Christ?
We will use the scriptures to ensure all class members have an understanding of what the atonement is, how it can bless our lives, and what we must do to apply it in our lives.
14-15 year old class
“Behold I say unto you that ye shall have hope through the atonement of Christ” (Moroni 7:41).
The outlines in this unit will help the youth learn how to search the scriptures and words of the living prophets to strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement. You will have the opportunity to help the youth gain stronger testimonies of the Atonement and more confidence in their ability to teach it to others. Encourage them to ask questions about what they are learning, to seek to learn more, and to share with others what they discover.
16-18 year old class
March Lesson Schedule
Week 1-Brother Wall
Week 2-Sister Hooper
Week 3-Brother Wall
Week 4-Sister Hooper
The 16-18 yo talked about the role of agency in learning the gospel. Jaden Myers lead a discussion of what he learned from Elder Bednar's article He did an amazing job teaching us the difference between active and passive learning. We also found examples in the scriptures of blessings that come from actively living the gospel and the youth each gave examples of how they can be more actively involved in learning the gospel.
The challenge was for everyone to choose what they would do this week to be more actively involved in their gospel learning. They will put it to the test and report how it went.
Outline: What can the scriptures teach me about the Atonement of Jesus Christ?
We will read and discuss scriptures and stories from the scriptures that teach about the atonement of Jesus Christ. Class members will be encouraged to share scriptures that are particularly meaningful to them. We will also discuss how we can apply these principles in daily life and situations.
Gospel Doctrine
Lesson 7: “The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel”
• What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ? How can we strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ? (See D&C 19:23; 88:118; Alma 32:27.)
• What is repentance? (See D&C 58:42–43.) Why do we need the Savior’s Atonement to be forgiven of our sins? (See 2 Nephi 2:6–9.)
• What are the purposes of baptism? (See D&C 18:22; 49:13–14.) What qualifications must a person meet to be baptized? (See D&C 20:37.).
• What is the difference between the power of the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost? (See Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost,” 704.)
• What are the purposes of baptism? (See D&C 18:22; 49:13–14.) What qualifications must a person meet to be baptized? (See D&C 20:37.).
• What is the difference between the power of the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost? (See Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost,” 704.)
Gospel Doctrine: Lesson 8: "The Restoration of the Priesthood"
Preview: Purpose of this lesson is to increase class members' appreciation for the priesthood and encourage brethren to magnify their offices and callings to help all.
Something to ponder:
What do you consider your priesthood responsibilities?
How do you magnify your offices and callings in the priesthood?
What is your roll in the priesthood?
How do you sustain priesthood holders in their offices and callings?
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