Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lesson Review January 13th / Preview January 20th


Lesson Review for the Youth Sunday School class taught by the Stake January 13th:

So this Sundays youth lesson was on "staying inside the lines. " and making good choices to prepare for the future. Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only James 1:22 so that you can be clean from the sins of the world.   

Lesson review for 12-13 year old sunday school class from January 6th:

Outline: "How can I learn to see Heavenly Father's hand in all things?"

We discussed evidences of Heavenly Father's existence and Love all around us in everyday life.  We discussed experiences we've had that have helped us to know that God is there and that He truly loves us.  We watched the video of President Eyring "O Remember, Remember."

The challenge he presented was extended to the class to ask at the end of each day in the coming week "Did I see His hand in my life?" to look for specific ways Heavenly Father is reaching out in love to them.

Lesson Review for the 14-15 year old Sunday School class from January 6th .

For our class we discussed serval pieces to help set the tone...
What makes a good teacher?
How are those qualities reflected in the way Jesus taught people?
Parables- purpose behind the use, deeper meanings for those that were more prepared to receive the message

Members and Roles of the Godhead reflect in roles we have within church
Prophet- Stake- Bishop- Callings

Discussion of other churches and their belief systems.  How does our belief in these as separate beings differ from others' views?

How do people get led to mistruths?
How do people join the church?

What can we do to get those missing to come each week?
What do we need to do to be prepared?

How will we best reach you for your part in the lesson each week?
How do we get people to join the church?
What keeps them active and engaged in the activities we offer?
What keeps them from attending?  How can we help?
January 6th the 16-18 year old class talked about how the Holy Ghost can help us learn. The youth were challenged to attend stake standards night while making an extra effort to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Lesson Review for the 16-18 year old Sunday School class from January 6th .

January 6th the 16-18 year old class talked about how the Holy Ghost can help us learn. The youth were challenged to attend stake standards night while making an extra effort to feel the influence of the Holy Ghost.

Gospel Doctrine:

Gospel Doctrine lesson Review, January 6th:

On January 6th the Doctrine and Covenants was introduced, with a challenge to come each week prepared to contribute to the spirit and learning of the class


Lesson preview for 12-13 year old Sunday School class for January 20th:

What evidence did you see of Gods love? Follow up from lesson 1/6

Thoughts to consider in preparation:

How does the Holy Ghost help me learn?
  Who is the Holy Ghost and what is his role in the Godhead?
  What does the Holy Ghost teach us?
  How does the Holy Ghost teach us?
  What must we do to be prepared to be taught by the Holy Ghost?
  What does it mean to learn by the spirit?
  Give an invitation

Lesson Preview for 14-15 year old class for January 20th:

Lesson Preview for 16-18 year old class for January 20th:

Outline: "How can studying the scriptures help me learn about Heavenly Father?"

We will be discussing what we know about Heavenly Father that has been revealed in the scriptures.  We will also discuss things that help to make time in scripture study more meaningful and powerful drawing on the experiences of class members.  The challenge will be extended to put into practice something they learn to make their daily scripture study more effective and spiritually enlightening in the coming week and beyond in order to build and strengthen their relationship with their Heavenly Father.

Gospel Doctrine Lesson Review, January 13th:

Brother Wessel from the stake taught the adults. He emphasized the importance of leading a discussion and teaching people as opposed to a lesson. He indicated that the Youth Sunday School is the last curriculum to be changed to this approach and not the first.  He taught that when we teach we should be patient and not fear silence, but to allow those in the class to consider a question and respond as the spirit directs.

Some examples of the approach included:

-       Ask participants how they can apply the teachings in their responsibilities as parents, neighbors, spouses, in their callings and as home teachers or visiting teachers.
-       Ask participants to share examples from the scriptures and from their own experience that illustrate the teachings and to share how the principle has blessed their lives.
-       Invite participants to apply what they have learned and share their experiences at the beginning of the next class.

Gospel Doctrine Lesson Preview, January 20th:

Lesson 2 "Behold I Am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World"

We will be discussing the Savior's Atonement as is talked about in the Doctrine and Covenants. Please come prepared to work in small groups and to be willing to share personal experiences. Also PLEASE SIT towards the FRONT and the HOUSE LEFT side (looking at the pulpit the left side) of the chapel.

- The Hawes Ward Sunday School

The Purpose

The purpose of this blog is to help the Hawes Ward correlate on Sunday school activity and to allow for those who don't attend Sunday School to stay involved.

It will also give each class member an opportunity to reflect upon last week's lesson and the invitations they received; it will also allow each of us to prepare for the upcoming week. 

Most importantly, it is a way for parents, teachers and leaders to fulfill our roll in "Shaping our children's experience with, Come Follow Me."

What is Come Follow Me? Come, Follow Me: Learning Resources for Youth is a new curriculum that will help teachers teach in the Savior’s way and help youth become more fully converted to the gospel.

How we can shape our children's experience with. Come Follow Me."

How can Come, Follow Me help me as a parent?

Come, Follow Me invites youth to share with their families what they are learning. As you give your children opportunities to do so, their faith, testimony, and ability to share the gospel will grow.  You can also reach out to teachers and leaders to help them better understand the needs of your children so they can tailor the lessons to these needs. Videos for youth and parents are available on